Dig Deep: Luiz Gonzaga Jr. – Luiz Gonzaga Jr. – Odeon (1974)


Luiz Gonzaga Jr. – Rabiscos N’Areia
Luiz Gonzaga Jr. – Galope
Luiz Gonzaga Jr. – Uma Familia Qualquer

Picked this up around the same time as the Richard Menexes 45 I’ve mentioned earlier. During the tail end of that same auction, the seller put up this record for a scant $5. It seemed that there really wasn’t anything wrong, except that the cover was missing. All I needed was a quick listen to “Galope” to swoop this one up, especially at that price. When it arrived, I was surprised that the album actually did have a cover with it and so the price seemed all the more perplexing, that is until literally this morning.

As I was preparing to record songs and then post this album to the blog, I finally realized that the cover was actually for his 1973 album, but this was his 1974 album. Brazilians, for whatever reason, often only gave their albums the title of the artist. Thus, it becomes important to know which year or which songs are on an album, because if you only went by the artist’s name, you might be dealing with 4 or 5 or 6 different releases.

Hadn’t heard of Gonzaguinha, as he’s also known, before this one. He definitely has a different style than many of his contemporaries, much darker and not as overtly funky, but it’s mighty tasty nonetheless.



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